I THINK I recycle - Why are we even at war with plastics?

Why is it so important to join the ‘war on plastics’? To be honest, at the beginning I was naïve about the impacts of plastics to our environment. To me, because it had the recycling logo on the bottle, I was doing my good deed for the planet but in reality, how often was I really recycling? If I was honest with myself, I would say less than half of the time my Chinese takeaway containers would go to recycling, the number would probably be even more reduced for plastic straws. Now I’m only one person so surely it can’t be that bad but when you multiply it by the billions of people in the planet, it becomes deadly for our planet.
I read an article on the national geographic site that mentions since 1950, we have produced more than 9.2 BILLION tons of plastic, of that 6.9 billion tons have gone to waste (75%) and of that 6.3 billion tons never made it to recycling. That might just a bunch of statistics to some but what does that really mean? What some people aren’t aware of is that plastic can take 450 years to never to be decomposed of. So, for 5 to 6 lifetimes, these items are floating in our water or dumped on land.
If we are already seeing the impacts to our planet with our current population, it will only amplify in the future with our growing population. Our kids, great grand kids etc. will not be able to see the beauty and wildlife we are we are spoilt with today.
So how can we make a difference? If you’re in the hospitality business or even having a party making a conscious choice to switch from single use plastics to an eco-friendly product will take us a step closer in reducing our waste. At Takeaway Pac, we offer a wide range of alternatives such as paper straws instead of plastic straws, CPLA cups which uses biodegradable materials such as cornstarch to make plastic or sugarcane/ bamboo as alternative to plastic plates and containers. Make the switch today to help save our planet.
Takeaway Pac:
National Geographic Article: